Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shane the Hot Butcher

When I was in Year Ten at school I used to walk through Coles Mall most afternoons after school, before I caught the bus home. That was in 1991. Around that time is when my school uniform was at its tightest and shortest!
I would walk through on purpose because Shane the hot butcher was always at the counter when I walked past. It started with a few wolf whistles from him..weird I know a butcher whistling at someone..but I was 15, how did I know he probably did it to every single girl that walked past. Sometimes I would sit on the bench out the front of the newsagent pretending to listen to every word my girlfriends were saying, laughing pretending all was awesome in my world, secretly looking over to see if he was watching.

One day Shane called me over, we talked, I was in love! He was tall, muscles all spunk!! So every afternoon I would walk past and have a little chat. He would always ask me out on a date, I always said no. Then one afternoon I laughingly said "Yeh righto" and so we organised a day to go out.

So at this point I must explain. I am a 15 year old girl and a real life "man" with a real job and a car has actually asked me on a date. So much for being that cocky smart arse full of confidence chatting to him at Coles Mall every afternoon. My dates with boys had so far consisted of a grope and a pash at  Blue Light after skulling a bottle of Passion Pops at the War Memorial across the road, a pash before the teacher could catch you at a school disco and the occassional pash at the bus bay. Oh once I met a boy at Blacktown Ice Skating Rink and we snuck into the disabled toilet for a pash there..but a date?? With someone that actually had started shaving?

Me on the right..short skirt, not as short as it gets though!

The day of the date arrived and I agonised over what to wear. What does one wear on a grown up date? I wasn't sure if my tight jeans and low cut top - my standard Friday night at the Skatel clothes would be up to scratch. My mum was so excited I was going out with "a boy of maturity" because she thought I needed someone older to tame me... and yes she did actually come out the front and tell Shane this!

So I actually have no idea what god awful fashion victim clothes I chose, but Shane arrived bang on 10am as promised and I went out to greet him at his car. I couldn't speak ..I was tripping over every word I said. Of course my mother had to come out. He drove a new Holden Ute. Mum later told me he was a keeper if he had enough money for a new car and a motorbike! He had flowers for me. I was so flustered I don't even think I thanked him for them. I practically threw them at my mum while she discussed me with Shane as if I didn't even exist. My Dad was nowhere to be seen. I now think that might be because he probably didn't approve of his 15 year old daughter going out with a butcher called Shane.

So I jumped in the car and off we went up the mountains to some sort of dirt bike thing. He was going to compete or maybe just ride his dirt bike around a track. He had bought a drink for me and set me up on the side of the track to watch him. I sat there frozen the entire time he rode around that track. I am pretty sure it was for a long time too because I was starving and my bladder was so so full!

Every time he went past he would wave. I would wave back.. I guess it was him. Hard to tell under the helmet and clothing but I guess noone else would be waving at me.

When he was finished riding, he asked me if I wanted to go down to McGraths Hill for a ride with him or if I wanted to go home. I said I will go with you, so off we went. He pulled up at McDonalds and said he was going in to clean up a bit and did I want a drink or something to eat. I said no thanks I am fine. I was still so scared and nervous that I didn't want to tell him I was starving, thirsty and may pee my pants at any given moment, so instead I sat and waited for him thinking..Bahaaaaaa I wanna go home..I want my mum.....

We then went to this vacant land and he offered to take me for a ride but as I was dying to pee I thought I better not so he went off for a ride and I sat there waiting (again). I kept thinking I could squat right now and he wouldn't even know then I will be fine, but no I sat and waited thinking the minute I pull those pants down he will come riding up. At 15 that really seemed like a HUGE issue for me!

He eventually came back and drove me all the way back up the mountains home. He asked if I wanted to go to Cherry Park to hang out : translation grope and pash!
I desperately wanted to so so much, but I really needed to pee, but couldn't tell him that, so I said um do you mind if I go home. I'm not feeling very well. I think we was awesome!

He drove me home and I ran inside and made it to the loo just in time.

For a few weeks after that he asked me out again but I was so embarrased of how lame I was on the date that I could hardly talk to him.

All these years I have thought about hot Shane and how much I wanted to tell him wasnt you it was stupid me wanting to pee but my 15 year old brain was too embarrased.

So about a year ago, aged 33 I walked into my local butcher and nearly fell over. There he was!! He had not aged or changed one single bit.... We said hi and it was awkward. I wanted to scream across the counter "I needed to pee" but then I think does he even remember that day??

So now whenever I walk into the shop we have a little chat and I act all relaxed and wordly but the back of my neck has this burning uncomfortable feeling and I feel my cheeks blush every single time I speak. I feel like I am 15 again!!
See my other boyfriends didn't shave yet!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Best Day Of My Life ~ Harry Aged 7

On Friday 4th June 2010, Harry went to watch his beloved Storm play against the Parramatta Eels. This is the game he waits all year for. He loves his Storm and has a soft spot for the Eels cause his Daddy is an Eels supporter, so when I started reading reports about it being violent and angry I was a little apprehensive but decided that it was a game he was waiting for, rugby league is supposedly a family game and he should get to go and watch his team play!

So the compromise was that he would wear the Storm hoodie and not the jersey..a little more subtle! All he was worried about was getting there on time! His dad arrived to take him to the game and off he went all rugged up with a massive grin and lots of excited talk!
I was curled up on the couch in front of the heater for a nice night in, knowing my boy was out having a great night, when I received a text “We are leaving Harry is crying and a bit frightened”.. so automatically I sat up, in mum mode! Who has hurt my son and why … first thoughts. Then the phone rang and Harry was on the other end in tears… couldn’t really make any sense from him, but soon heard why.
It seems that from the moment Harry arrived at the game, the crowd was different. Sure footy is footy, there is always good spirited heckling, booing etc… and Harry knows all about that. We are a footy family. My dad has always played Rugby League and Harry himself now plays in the junior league, so no big deal to get heckled and have a bit of jeering at a game. In fact lets face it at every game there is always a group or a few groups that are there to just be a pain in the arse for everyone. We all see them a mile away…can’t hold their beer, think they are footy experts but never played a game in their lives, super coaches etc. But you know Harry takes all this in his stride! He laughs at it..
So for him to be so upset he asks to leave at half time and to be in tears tells me that it was different this time! I’ve had people saying things like he needs to harden up  or he shouldn’t have worn his jersey to an away game (umm we live in Sydney, every game is a home game!) and that its just normal to yell that stuff out, oh and my absolute favourite .. his parents are no good letting him go to the game and support Storm!
I can only say this…my son like every other child, should be able to go to the Rugby League – a game that promotes itself as a family game, the game that relies on kids to support their teams and grow up supporting them – and he should be able to support whichever team he wants to! And every parent would react exactly the same way. I was angry, I was upset and so very disappointed in the people that made him feel this way!

“Break his f’in legs, Slater is a prick, Kill him, take him off in an ambulance etc” … rather harsh yes but I think it was more the way these things are screamed out and the hostility he sensed there. He obviously felt scared and thats all there is to it. He isn’t alone, there are a lot of Storm Supporters  based here in Sydney and a lot of them have experienced this since the salary scandal. I really cannot understand this mentality. Sure have a dig at opposing teams but for gods sakes focus more on how well your team is doing! And by the way ummm has anyone noticed Storm already has been penalised big time.. they can’t play for points, they have had their Premierships stripped from them, their club has been turned upside down.. yeh I really think they have been punished why are all these fans so enraged still? And will you scream out cheat and breaks his legs when Billy wears the green and gold for Australia? Doubt it!!
I really feel it is important to say this, from my point of view the Parramatta players are fantastic and are not responsible for their fans actions and on top of that I imagine the majority of Parramatta supporters are great fair fun people that enjoy their footy and would never wish to upset anyone let alone a 7 year old.
I will say though that I cannot recall a time when he has worn his Storm colours and not had at least one person give him heaps for wearing the shops, at school, footy training.. there is always at least one comment. Every single time he either ignores it and says to me Ha Ha they are jealous or he laughs with them and tells them Storm are the best so say whatever you like. Never once has this upset him!

So what happened next? I had a whinge didn’t I …. Through Facebook I ranted about how upset I was that this happened to Harry. My Facebook page is not public so I was only venting to friends and getting it off my chest ..but what happened after that has been nothing short of crazy and amazing!

My friend James read my status and sent an email to 2GB who read the email out on the air. Funnily enough Harry heard this on the way home as he wanted to still hear the game and said to his dad “Hey that is someone like me”..little did he know. From here Phil Rothfield contacted James and asked for my details to do a story, so next thing I know I am discussing the story with Phil and he is arranging for a photographer to come and take a photo of Harry. Then Triple M contacted me to be on their Deadset Legends Program… I said I would like to talk off air but somehow ended up on air.. That was extremely nerve wracking. People then started writing on forums that I called the radio station to get some free stuff and I was a huge opportunist. I offered for them to feel free to come and meet Harry and I and we would be happy to give them anything he was given free… noone took me up on that offer!
On Sunday I bought the Sunday Telegraph hoping to see a little picture in there of Harry. When I turned to the sports page and found almost a full page story on Harry I was amazed.. so of course I bought 10 copies.. I’m still not sure why I needed 10 copies!

And it was from there that the magic of the Storm family started to happen….
 We had a week off at The Entrance and I didn’t take my laptop but luckily through my phone I could check Facebook and what I started to read was amazing… I was a member of the Facebook page Purple Army run by the wonderful Emil and all of a sudden people from this page started sending me messages. Harry’s story had run in the Herald Sun in Melbourne and word was starting to get around. So when Storm Man asked on his page if anyone knew Harry several wonderful Storm supporters let him know how to find us!

A wonderful lady I have never spoken to or met, Justine sent me a message saying she had read Harrys story in the paper and can she post me a copy. She scanned her copy in for me to see and then posted another copy up to us. How amazingly nice! Then another wonderful Storm fan told me she would be in Singapore when the next home game was on so we could have her tickets!
And then Emil offered us tickets where he usually sits as well.. I have to say I was really really touched by how kind and caring the Storm fans are… they aren’t just a group of strangers who all like the same football team. These people are like a big happy Storm family!
So sure enough I received a call from Lizzie who looks after publicity for Melbourne Storm. She had been trying to find Harry for a few days and was only getting dead ends so it was great that she tracked us down! Lizzie then went on to tell me that they wanted to look after Harry and make up for what happened here in Sydney. She told me they would like Harry  to be their guests at the game and they would have a few suprises for Harry, one of which would be to run out on the field. We agreed not to tell Harry until Billy Slater himself called Harry up to invite him!

The Big Event!!

On the Friday night before our trip the wonderful Lizzie called to say that the boys were training and after training Billy will give Harry a call. So I had him sitting on the couch and when the call finally came through I handed him the phone and when he heard who was talking to him his pupils doubled in size and the grin was huge!!! He was all very serious and said “Happy Birthday Billy” and “I hope you win”… Then Billy asked him the big question : “Harry I have something I want to ask you, will you run with us out onto the field”..complete silence from the other end because Harry forgot to talk back instead he had this ridiculous goofy grin from ear to ear and was too busy fist pumping.. I said Harry speak so he said “yes please”…
After the call ended he did some laps around the house and was just in total disbelief. He was thrilled! He went on to call his Dad, Nanny and Pop!

Harry woke up at 7 and came racing in to make me wake up immediately! “Mum its Storm Day” and so began the best day of Harry’s life (except the day he was born)!
Harry decided he would be wearing his entire Storm gear to the airport and onto the plane. He wanted to wear his footy boots because he felt that if he was running on the field he should be wearing boots. 

As we boarded the plane I noticed the man in the seat opposite us smiling and we started talking. He noticed Harry was wearing the Storm gear and asked if we were going down to watch the game. It turns out that he used to call the game on the radio  for Storm when they first started and he had a long association with them. He was really happy we were going down for the game and I explained what we were doing. He then went on to offer us a lift to the hotel once we got to Melbourne. I was amazed. It was like God saved up all the good karma and gave it to us in one weekend!! The flight left on time, landed on time, no bumps in the ride (I always have bumpy flights to Melbourne)! Our new Storm friend, Colin was good to his word and we jumped in the car and he took us into our hotel that the Storm had so generously provided for us. I had heard the Intercontinental Rialto was nice but it was absolutely beautiful and the staff there are so professional and faultless. We had enough time to check in and spend a little bit of time in our room. Harrys now very frequent giant grin got larger as we walked into the room. He said “Mum this room is beautiful. I could really live here”. He had to investigate every single button and drawer. It was adorable watching him so animated and jumping around with excitement!

I then got him organised to head over to AAMI Park. When we got out of the cab, I knew we were in for a great night. The cheerleaders were all out the front handing out Brett Finch masks, there was a sea of purple everywhere and there was an exciting vibe in the air. The weather was fresh but not cold and Harry was already walking on cloud nine.We called Lizzie and she organised to meet us at the corporate entry. We headed around to wait there. Harry played with his FInchy mask and was full of nervous energy. 

Very soon after Lizzie came down to meet us. Let me take this time to explain who Lizzie is. Lizzie is the Melbourne Storm’s Publicity Manager and the wonderful lady who organised this dream come true for Harry. Lizzie is much more than just a Publicity Manager. She is amazing!!!! She really made my little boys dream a reality and words cannot describe how special she made Harry feel and the way she took care of him was incredible. She is what Melbourne Storm is all about and I cannot say enough nice words to cover how special she now is to Harry and his family!

Lizzie took Harry and I up to the Corporate level of the AAMI Park and we walked through there and  out to another room that is reserved for the players families. We were introduced to Brett Finch’s parents and family who were really lovely and had also been at the Parramatta game. Harry by this stage had gone a more paler colour in his face and had taken on a very serious look. He also met Ben and Kai. Ben’s mum and Kai’s dad are both part of the Storm family.
We watched the Toyota Cup for a while and then Lizzie returned to take Harry down for his big moment. She explained that we had to walk through the corporate area again and that they had just done a small presentation about Harry so when we walked through people must have realised this was Harry because he started getting pats on the backs as he walked through and Go Harrys! His face was serious but I saw a little smile appear… oh and a big smile for me because I saw the beautiful Dannii Minogue in the room and as she was my favourite YTT girl I was thoroughly impressed!
But no time to dwell, off for the big moment!! We walked onto the ground and walked the perimeter around to the tunnel. I think just being on the field was a big thrill for Harry. We got around to the players bench and Harry was introduced to Ryan Hoffman who he had a great chat with. He showed Ryan he had Number 1 on his jersey and Ryan said “what is that on there for” acting like he didn’t know. Harry said Billy Slater and Ryan said ahhhhhh. I told him he also wears the Number 1 for his own footy team and he said he used to do that when he was a kid. I said yeh the boys all fight for the number they want. He commented with “I bet they don’t care to much for Number 12” and smiled! He went and sat with Harry for a while just chatting to him. Again so friendly and lovely. 

Everyone out there seemed to know who Harry was and in fact while we were waiting we heard a big group of people scream out “GO Harry We love you”… that gave us a little giggle! Harry was then introduced to “Cactus” the Storms fantastic ground announcer. They went out onto the field and had a chat for a while, then the National Anthem was played and Harry stood out there all tiny and quiet while the anthem was played. I have to admit I did get tears at that moment. He looked so tiny out there and a bit scared. I know Harry’s style so to others he probably looked petrified but this is how Harry soaks in a moment. I knew he was just taking in every single moment. So after the anthem my little guy appeared on the big screen while being interviewed and when I heard him this tiny little voice say “Billy Slater” about who his favourite player was the tears started again… so brave! He then went on to say he was his favourite player because he was the best fullback in the game. He had told me a little earlier when he found out what question would be asked of him that he didn’t want to say Billy was the best “player” in the NRL because he didn’t want to upset Ryan and the other boys, so he thought it was nicer to them to say Billy was the best fullback.

He then ran down into the tunnel ready for his big moment. I don’t know who was more excited, Harry, Lizzie or me!! Out came the Cowboys and then I peaked down the tunnel and saw Cooper with his arm around Harry’s shoulders and Billy with his hand on Harry’s back and then out they came. Harry jogging along next to Cooper with Billy right behind him!

He ran over to the banner and all I thought was ‘please don’t bounce off’ but again the lovely Cooper, sort of pulled it aside for him and so did Brett Finch. He got out there and “my here come the tears again” moment happened when Cooper gave him a hi-five and then showed him where to run off to. You know those guys are so focused on the game they are about to play and the caring attitude they had for Harry was just so sweet and definitely appreciated beyond words!
Harry come racing back over to Lizzie who cheered him off. It was then we looked up to see supporters all yelling out to Harry and giving  him thumbs up! Funnily enough Harry instructed me to NOT yell out Go Harry under any circumstances… yet here was a whole stadium of people screaming it out… he later said well you could have I guess. I didn’t think anyone else would be so I didn’t want you to stand out – thanks Harry!!
We then went back around to watch the game in our fantastic seats.. I said are you having a great time? He said “This is the best day of my life except the day I was born.” And he was right! He then went on to explain that he has to say the day he was born was better because if that day didn’t happen, this day wouldn’t have been able to happen (such thought. It  is here I must tell you about the amazing Storm kids. When Harry left to go and do the run on, these little boys ranging in age 2 to 10 clapped him out of the room and said Good Luck Harry! That was heart melting, and THEN when he arrived back they were so excited for him. Kids he had just met. They asked him how he went, told him he did well and they were all watching him on the TV. They are the sweetest kids! Harry enjoyed a great game of footy with the boys… they played on their knees so little Jack White wasn’t disadvantaged and Harry was footy with my new awesome friends who are all wearing Storm jerseys (not one friend he has ever had supports Storm) or watch his idols playing at home. He chose to spend 3 minutes playing footy and then 6 minutes watching using the scoreboard clock as his watch! When he was watching the game he was cheering and clapping and jumping up in his chair! Those flip up chairs take a little while to get used to!!
He was so excited by all the tries being scored! When they hit 52 he was ecstatic as this was the exact score his own  team won by earlier in the day! 
It was around this time with 10 minutes left on the clock that Lizzie came out to collect us for the next wonderful surprise for Harry. Lizzie took us around the back of the stadium and into the tunnel to wait for the boys to finish. 
Harry then went out onto the field for the after match celebrations. He was there when the Storm presented their $27,000 cheque to the Australian Men’s Shed Association, as part of their Points for a Purpose Program. The team is very involved in this program and have a real input into where the money is donated. I really applaud the Storm for turning a negative into a positive. It really sums up who this club is. Maybe its because they are the only team in Melbourne or maybe just because of all the adversity,  but this club is like a really close knit family but there is not clickiness like real families..they welcome you in with big open arms!!

After the cheque presentation, Harry was able to do the lap of honour with the team. What a privilege! When he was all the way over the other side I thought oh my god look at him! He was really loving it…. When he got back he said hey mum, people were yelling out at me and asking to hi-five me! I said wow and he said “Ohhhh I know ..they knew my name and I just remembered, its cause its on the back of my jersey”!  I was really impressed to see how much time the Storm players spend walking around that field talking to fans and having their pictures taken and signing autographs. At most games I go to the home team will do that to some extent but sometimes they just sort of come to the edge and clap a little. Here at the Storm home ground they walked around very slowly and stopped to chat to everyone. Billy Slater and Cameron Smith are the champions at this. Most of the boys were back in the dressing sheds and these two were still doing the lap. Especially Cameron Smith – the rest of the team were in the sheds singing and having their post match celebrations and Cameron was still out there giving his time to the fans that had waited there to see him. He then spent only a few minutes in the shed before he went off to do the media. What a fantastic captain! I’m told this is what he does at every home game – makes himself fully available to anyone that wants him.
After Harry did his lap of honour, he hopped up onto Storm Mans bike for a photo. Storm fans that were still in the crowd were screaming out at Harry “we love you Harry! Go Harry, you are a true storm supporter”. Harry said mum I saw all these people giving me thumbs up. For a boy that told me don’t u dare yell out “go Harry “, he was starting to really enjoy the cheers!
He then had a photo on the field with Billy.
We then went down to wait outside the dressing rooms to go in and see the boys. Harry had his autograph book ready and was anxiously waiting for the okay to go in to see the boys. He finally went in and I waited patiently for him outside hoping he would speak clearly and use his manners.
He eventually came out with a massive grin to show me his autograph book. He had written who signed it next to the autograph as he said he wouldn’t be able to remember whose was whose if he didn’t! He realised he didn’t have Cam Smith’s autograph but luckily his amazingly lovely with Barb was close by and grabbed Cam when he returned from the media interviews. I think the photo of him with Cameron is one of my favourites. You can see in his face how happy he was and that he was starting to relax!
After Harry was sure he had everyone’s autograph we left to go back up to where we had left our bags On the way out we passed the recovery pool that is at AAMI Park and Harry was thrilled again when he saw Billy in the pool and Billy waved to him and the other boys that had come from Newcastle to meet their favourite team.
We went back upstairs and Lizzie gave Harry a Storm bag with very fittingly a Buddy of Billy T- Shirt amongst other Storm merchandise.  Harry went to have a sit down and a lady came over to tell him she had seen him down on the field and thought he was great. He came running over to tell me straight after. He said “mum a lady I haven’t met before knew my name and everything and she said she saw me with Billy”. I think it was starting to all dawn on him. He then showed his new friends Ben and Kai his  autographs and the two boys wrote their name in the book for Harry so he knew their names and could become Facebook friends.
We then said our goodbyes and left for the motel. On our way out a group of 3 guys came over to shake hands with Harry. The all crouched down and had a little chat with him. A little further along a group of Storm fans spotted Harry and called out to him and asked to have their photo with him. He kept giggling and found the whole thing entertaining. I said “God Harry its like you are a famous person” and he said “I think I might be mum”… We walked along a little while and I said right we need to grab a cab and he said “Let me do that for you Mum” and sure enough he saw a cab and did the whole hail the cab motion with his hand. My little shy boy was now hailing down cabs in a city he had never been to before! He thought he was fantastic for getting the cabbie to stop and told me he would be in charge of the cabs from now on. The drive back to the hotel was really quite. He sat there with a really big smile on his face and I could tell he was deep in thought.

By the time we had arrived back into our room it hit him! It hit him and hasn’t stopped since. He started talking and talking and talking. See Harry is a very serious thinker. I think he was so focused on trying to enjoy every single detail and to soak up every moment so he wouldn’t forget it that he couldn’t discuss it or relax nearly the entire time. He was digesting it all, but now it was all over he was non stop chat!
When he hopped into bed to go to sleep, he said I’ll never forget this day ever mum… and as I watched him sleeping a few hours later with a massive grin and the occasional giggle in his sleep I knew he never would.

Its so wonderful to watch a little boy who loves his league so very much have every dream come true. Harry’s week consists of school, where he generally plays football at lunch, then football training twice a week – we usually go an hour early because he begs for extra training time, he plays every Saturday morning. We generally try and get an NRL game in if it is local if not he watches most games on TV for the weekend. If he is in the car he asks for us to put it on. He buys the Big League every week and RLP every quarter. He runs his own footy tipping competition and the only Wii game he plays is Rugby League 3. He has taught our poodle Pepe to chase him up and down the yard or lounge room with a footy and when Pepe gets hold of it Harry chases and tackles him….Harry lives and breathes Rugby League.
So this weekend was like nothing he could ever imagine or dream up. I know that Harry  will be a Storm Supporter  forever and the memories will be with him for all of that time! When you get to meet your hero at aged 7, you know you are very blessed. The Storm family made this happen for Harry – so you can call them what ever you like…we call them AMAZING!

After The Best Day Ever:
Harry took a Power Point Presentation to school with all his photos to show his friends and teacher. He isn’t keen on getting up to talk but this time he was really excited to do it!
On Facebook, he has had Storm fans sending him messages, really lovely heartfelt messages. We even found one Storm supporter that had changed his profile pic to the picture of Harry out on the field and written a little story about it on his page. Another complete stranger took a heap of pictures of Harry and emailed them to me!

I have had so many people comment that they hated the Storm but can’t believe how well they treated Harry so have changed their opinion of them. Harry is pretty well loved at his school and within his own football community. His team mates have always had a real respect for him  so they all rallied around him after his experience. But they have always questioned his love of the Storm.. and he has always explained to them that Storm are the best. But after his weekend, the part of this whole experience that has made me laugh is his friends are now deciding that maybe their parents are wrong and Storm aren’t so bad! I noticed a couple of friends join a Billy Slater fan page on Facebook and one even wrote “Hi Billy Slater, Im Harrys friend!”. One of the boys mum told me that they went shopping and he begged her to buy him a Storm ball. When she reminded him he followed the Raiders he said “Nope not anymore.. I want to follow the same team as Harry.”

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Harry Dances to Sober by Tool Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Harry Dances to Sober by Tool Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Weird freaky kid dancing to tool!

Counting Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Counting Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Another old clip - Harry Singing... at the end he gets upset cause his shoe or something is dirty..was obssessed and hated any dirt on him at all..u can hear in my voice that i am a little bit over it!!

Harry Sings Eskimo Joe Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Harry Sings Eskimo Joe Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

another old clip from harry singing....

Harry Sings Eskimo Joe ..Again Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Harry Sings Eskimo Joe ..Again Video by Eliescha - MySpace Video

Old clips I found on Myspace..wanted to move them over before i shut it down... so little ....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lunch with Mars and Dinner with Venus (Archived Blog from an Old Blog)

Friday, December 22, 2006
Lunch with Mars and Dinner with Venus
I had lunch on Wednesday with the team I work with. They are all men. We had a ball. Steaks all around ,beer and lots of talk about sex and breasts!!! As waitresses walked past, breast size was discussed, burping after lunch seemed to be compulsory, and each seemed to have a great story about a lap dance they once had. I was privy to the secret ranking system they have for the female contingent at work and even found out who was ranked where. think I was made an honorary man. They even told me I had the biggest nuts... chestnuts. One of them asked me for a hug on the way out - I am guessing to check the authenticity of the nuts...

Then later that day it was dinner with the girls. White wine all round, grilled chicken breasts and salad all around and no burping. There was no perving from us, I don't think we noticed any males around us. We laughed and talked about how strange one of the guys at work was. Then there was gossip about - well mainly other females. We all hugged and kissed goodbye, but it didn't feel like anyone was trying to cop a feel.

Two very different meals - but both amazingly good fun.
Thank God we are not the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet Satisfaction (Archived Blog from an old Blog)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sweet Satisfaction

Today we went to play Putt Putt Golf. I sucked... I knew I would..I always do. I cheated on the score card and still lost! But then it was time to earn some the world of pre-pubescent boys and single dads...the arcade games! Left Harry  on the kiddie games and made my way to the big boys games, oh after a few rounds of the basketball hoops thing, just to show off.

It was after the Daytona race with the single dads that I spotted the big challenge... Time Crisis 4. There was eleven year olds loitering and I knew this would be the game where I would either be idolised or jeered. My turn arrived and they laughed and told me "you dont know what to do" in a voice only an eleven year old can muster... you know what I mean... pre-dropped. The coins went in and the gun went up. For a non-violent person I loved the way that gun felt in my hands... such power...  So my first competition got shot before I did..five lives each.. then I got hit. They all laughed! But not for much longer. It was time for the machine gun to come out and kick some biological insects butt. Two lives down..him not me..then three, four and yes five.
I kicked his arse and it felt good. Sure he was eleven but I didn't care. I beat the next kid too. It was a small victory but a good one. I was cool again...

Then I put the gun down walked over to Harry wiped his nose with a tissue I had in my bag, told him to be careful and tripped over an electrical cable.

It was only for a fleeting moment that I was cool , but it was oh so sweet!

Trust (Archived Blog Moved Over from Another Blog)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's only a small word, five letters, one syllable.
How can this little word mean more than any other word you or I know. Our whole lives revolve around this word. This word makes us who we are.From the moment we are born, trust is something we crave, need and live for. We look into our mother's eyes and trust her wholeheartedly, no conditions, no exceptions and then the foundation is set…..

Does she keep that trust?
Does she put conditions on that trust?
Does she betray your trust?
Does she lose your trust?
Does she honour your trust?
As a baby we give our whole selves over to this trust, firstly to our mothers and then to others around us, but as we grow that unconditional trust starts to get broken down. Perhaps it was the day your dad said he would pick you up from school and forgot so you walked home…again still too young to realise that every time something small like this happened you lost a small amount of trust. Perhaps it is something far worse...
As teenagers we give our trust to our best friends and tell them our most intimate secrets only to have that trust taken when they tell someone else.Then there is the opposite sex. Our hormones arrive and thus we set ourselves up for years of our trust being broken… and us breaking someone else's trust. I am guilty of this…. Alex Dean, my first true love – in Year 8. I chased him, then let him chase me. Then when I had him, I dumped him… I left a note with my sister so when he came around to my house he got the note, while I was on my way to see another boy. He was on his bike so he chased me down the street and threw his bike on the ground crying. I was mean... Than a year later older and wiser I wanted him back, so I chased him again and he said he would only be my boyfriend if I didn't do what I did to him the last time. So he gave over his trust to me…again……. three months later I did exactly the same thing to him..again.

Did I have an impact on his life? Probably… he lost a little bit of trust….
There were many more boys that I chased and then dumped….thats what teenage girls do. Do we realise the impact we have on these adolescent boys? No. Now I have a son, how will I protect him from girls like me?? When I was 16 I met Steve. He was older than I was – 19 I think and not from my area. He was exciting…rode a motorbike. He was a body builder…. I thought I was so lucky to have such a perfect boyfriend. He would pick me up from school on the back of the bike and take me to clubs. I looked up to him in a naïve teenage way and gave him my full trust. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. My family hated him, so I stopped speaking to them. We moved into our own little flat and I thought life was perfect. Until he started asking why dinner wasn't ready, or why I was wearing a skirt so short… I started hating going to night clubs with him because if a guy came up to dance with me..I'd know about it later.
This went on for a year. The more I tried to please him, the more I ended up making him angry. When he wasn't angry he was awesome. Then I was 19, I left him. I just moved back home and told him it was over. He called me daily. Sent me long stem roses every single day for a month. He would come into my work and leave me presents before I got there in the morning.

Did he have an impact on my life? Yes Did I lose my trust for people…
I am still naïve and think everyone is worth trusting….. I let my heart rule who I am and how I think. I still believe everyone is good until they prove to me that they aren't. In business I am ruthless. I am cynical and read people like a book. In my private life, I jump in the deep end. I like passion and I like to trust. There is a nagging thought at the back of my head these days keeps begging me not to trust, but my heart won't let that rule me.

When we trust someone, we are handing them a part of ourselves and when someone trusts us they are giving them a part of themselves….what could be a better gift and who would ever want to miss out on that?

TRUST…. A small word with such huge implications… think about it next time you use it. 

Mum's The Word (archival blog from another blog)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mum's The Word
A male friend told me recently that he wouldn't like to have a baby with someone that already had one as it wouldn't be as special for them as they already had one.... he hasn't had kids before...  So it got me to thinking...I know how life changing and spiritual it was to have my son, but I also know that if I was to have a child with someone else it would be a whole brand new experience... everything about it would be different. Spending those nine months with the baby growing inside you with a new partner would be such a different experience and to go through the labour again..this would be amazingly different. I mean even if you were having a second child with the same partner it would be a new experience!!

So it made me start thinking about my first experience as a mother and how it felt...
I found out New Years Eve 2001 that I was pregnant and all of a sudden my life changed - in one split second, because now I was responsible for someone other than me.
My pregnancy was such a wonderful time. Others might not see it that way.. u see I had morning sickness every single day of those nine months right up until the day after he was born, but to me that meant nothing....I was having a baby!! I was one of those girls that glowed during their hair was thicker, my skin was great and I actually lost weight instead of put it on!
I think the most amazing feeling in life is when you feel the baby move in your stomach. I was told at the time to really try and remember how it feels because there is nothing like it in life again.... whoever told me this was right. I used to lay in bed at night and watch the bump move around. If I went to bed and he wasn't moving I would poke him a bit to make sure he was okay!!

The day I went into the hospital was both the most scariest and exciting days of my life. I went in on a Saturday afternoon (I was being was going on holidays). I was induced at around 4pm in the afternoon and then spent all night waiting... waiting....pain...pain...
The next morning around 9am they decided to bring on the labour as the baby was a bit stressed out. From there I had 4 hours of full on labor and contractions. I won't say it didnt hurt because it did, but for me it was the most spiritual amazing experience of my life. How to put it in words is difficult, but I didn't speak for those 4 hours. My sister who was in the room said it was amazing...I was so calm and peaceful. My only way of communicating was nodding and squeezing the midwifes hand. I remember my doctor coming in saying I would be a few more hours and I thought fuck you arsehole I'm not doing this for much longer, so when the midwife asked me if I was ready to push, I had no idea what she meant but I nodded because I was so desperate to meet my baby...
I don't really remember how it felt, but I remember the ohhs and ahhs from my sister and the midwife telling me he was nearly out and then I saw him for the first time..... and they placed him straight on my chest to hug. I felt my heart almost leap out of my chest and I couldn't believe he was mine.. it was surreal and I realised at that moment what true unconditional love was. I was overwhelmed and the last 24 hours of calmness and control were gone. I cried and couldn't, exhaustion, excitement and fear...
I watched the nurses clean him up and check his details. The room was buzzing with activity but it was like he and I were the only one's in the room. I couldn't take my eyes off him and when they gave him back to me I never wanted to let go. I fell asleep with him in my arms...
The next few days that I spent in hospital were so perfect. I hear of mum's who go home the same afternoon they have their babies, but now looking back I realise why they like you to stay in the hospital. It is such a great bonding outside world interference. I didn't even know what day it was, what the weather was like or what was happening in the world. Those few days were spent getting to know my son...I knew every part of his little body, every little sound and facial gesture.. I watched him all day long and most nights. He was such a perfect little baby.
So when I think about having another child, I realise that yes I have had the experience of childbirth, but there is nothing more exciting and special than that, so to have another one I feel would be just as exciting and definitely a new experience.  I don't know if I ever will have another child. I don't rule it out but I don't expect it either. What I do know is, if I do it will be every bit as special and wonderful as the first time.

Nice Guys...Bad Boys.... (Archival from an old Blog)

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Nice Guys.... Bad Boys...
Why is it that when a guy that you know is just bad for you walks past you or accidentally brushes up against you, you get goosebumps on the back of your neck – yet the guy who treats you so nice and respects you and would give you the world walks by and you don't?

I know, I know…. Its called chemistry..but the age old question that can never be answered is why the bad boys? And what makes a guy a "bad boy" ? Do we as women feel like we can tame them or nurture them.. why do we bother? They are just heart breakers waiting to happen!!

I guess with "nice guys" there is a fine line between being a nice guy and a doormat. No woman wants a doormat unless they are an absolute control freak, and deep down are they really happy in that relationship? I don't speak for all women, but for me, I like to feel protected and looked after… I want my man to be my MAN….
I've heard a theory that the reason girls go for the bad boys is that a guy who is too nice sends a reaction to the female where she places him at a  lower status to herself.. and people don't value what they can have too easily. Interesting theory, but what I have worked out is the less interested you act in someone the more they are interested in you…strange concept! It is like you have to act like you don't care to get someone to care…
But you know sooner or later you get sick of the shit..the constant mind games, the bullshit that goes along with it. Some women don't…. are they are those ones who are still single when their kids have grown up and still out chasing "the one"? Are they the ones usually bitter about men and feel like they are owed a thing or two.

Ive started to change my thinking and I'm letting a few nice guys in and the weird thing is they are funny and nice and sweet and treat you so well, that at first it is a strange concept – something I am not used to, but I am realizing that the nice guy does have confidence, does have energy and does have spontaneity… the just don't advertise the fact. I realise that I should be dating the nice guys…not taking them for granted.
All that aside, the thing is I like normal guys… Some of these self proclaimed "nice guys" complain that no woman take them serious, they only want friendship and all the arseholes are stealing the women.
Here is the facts:
Women like confidence "bad boys" or even normal guys aren't afraid to approach a woman if they are interested. If you are happy in yourself this feeling is given off and women will be attracted to it ...Women deep down want a MAN not a doormat !

Romance is nice, but everything doesn't need to be romantic. Women can sniff someone trying to hard from miles away so they run.
In closing…. A nice guy with a little bit of bad boy inside…. too much to ask for? :)

Imagine Saying What U Really Think! (archived post moved over from old blog)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Imagine Saying What U Really Think!!

Imagine just being honest and saying what you think….

How much easier would life be – no games and no bullshit!!

Instead of "So hey I do actually like you a lot "we skirt around it, not looking too eager …oh but also trying not to seem too distant either.Like Homer Simpson once said "Never say anything, unless you're sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do". That is kind of how we do things!!

Remember when you were in primary school….if you "loved" a boy you just told everyone…. Lachlan is my boyfriend and that was that!! (yes i did have a bf Lachlan).I guess each time your heart is broken or you break someone's heart, you become less and less open about these things!I get it, but I just wish it was different. I understand we all want to protect ourselves from rejection or hurt.
So instead, do we go through life missing out?

Girl likes guy. Guy likes girl. Both of them try and keep it casual, don't seem too interested. Girl thinks guy doesn't like her…starts to act even more distant. Guy thinks girl doesn't like him…starts to act even more distant… Neither one of them is going to budge.Outcome – they drift further and further away cause neither of them wants to get hurt, but what they don't realise is that both of them are actually interested. Girl starts seeing someone else. Guy cant understand why…but lucky he didn't say how he really felt, cause he thinks she was never really into him.
It all seems like such hard work…..

Apart from accidentally wetting your pants occasionally and getting hot peanut butter sandwiches in your lunch box, I think I'd rather be in primary school again and tell everyone that Lachlan is my boyfriend… and even when he chases me around the playground and then pulls my pony tail, I'll still lean over and plant one on his cheeks and he will wipe it away…..but as he wipes it, his little heart is beating a bit faster and he leans over and kisses me back…… the simplicity of it all is so refreshing!