Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nice Guys...Bad Boys.... (Archival from an old Blog)

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Nice Guys.... Bad Boys...
Why is it that when a guy that you know is just bad for you walks past you or accidentally brushes up against you, you get goosebumps on the back of your neck – yet the guy who treats you so nice and respects you and would give you the world walks by and you don't?

I know, I know…. Its called chemistry..but the age old question that can never be answered is why the bad boys? And what makes a guy a "bad boy" ? Do we as women feel like we can tame them or nurture them.. why do we bother? They are just heart breakers waiting to happen!!

I guess with "nice guys" there is a fine line between being a nice guy and a doormat. No woman wants a doormat unless they are an absolute control freak, and deep down are they really happy in that relationship? I don't speak for all women, but for me, I like to feel protected and looked after… I want my man to be my MAN….
I've heard a theory that the reason girls go for the bad boys is that a guy who is too nice sends a reaction to the female where she places him at a  lower status to herself.. and people don't value what they can have too easily. Interesting theory, but what I have worked out is the less interested you act in someone the more they are interested in you…strange concept! It is like you have to act like you don't care to get someone to care…
But you know sooner or later you get sick of the shit..the constant mind games, the bullshit that goes along with it. Some women don't…. are they are those ones who are still single when their kids have grown up and still out chasing "the one"? Are they the ones usually bitter about men and feel like they are owed a thing or two.

Ive started to change my thinking and I'm letting a few nice guys in and the weird thing is they are funny and nice and sweet and treat you so well, that at first it is a strange concept – something I am not used to, but I am realizing that the nice guy does have confidence, does have energy and does have spontaneity… the just don't advertise the fact. I realise that I should be dating the nice guys…not taking them for granted.
All that aside, the thing is I like normal guys… Some of these self proclaimed "nice guys" complain that no woman take them serious, they only want friendship and all the arseholes are stealing the women.
Here is the facts:
Women like confidence "bad boys" or even normal guys aren't afraid to approach a woman if they are interested. If you are happy in yourself this feeling is given off and women will be attracted to it ...Women deep down want a MAN not a doormat !

Romance is nice, but everything doesn't need to be romantic. Women can sniff someone trying to hard from miles away so they run.
In closing…. A nice guy with a little bit of bad boy inside…. too much to ask for? :)

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