Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unemployment Is Working For Me!! (Early Archival - Moved Over from Another Blog)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Unemployment Is Working For Me!!

Well here I am my third day of being unemployed. It's hard work I really need to tell you!!
It is 10.10am and I am so damn busy that I still haven't even had time to get out of my pj's. Okay well that might be a lie, but hey they are pretty comfy!!
I didn't realise just how busy being unemployed could be. Monday I ..hmmm well actually I didn't really do anything, but that's because I ..well no excuses, I just wanted to bum around and read magazines.

Yesterday I took Harry to his school orientation..we got free m&m's which as I am now unemployed it was the only food I've had this week. We then went to Spurs for lunch (oh oops I gave it away.. I am eating more than just M&M's). Then off to the plaza for photos with Santa and if I had a scanner I would be able to show you the photo! Harry wore his Santa Rocks t-shirt and his punk rock tight black jeans and skater shoes. He looked like a mini Sid Vicious…which is probably not the best look for photos with Santa but he chose it and who cares right!

Then we did a spot of shopping… well more than a spot, my feet were aching!!

I have a very busy day scheduled for today. So far I have wrapped all of the Xmas presents I have here and made a list of what I still need to buy. I have gone through all the crap I have bought for Christmas Dinner. I then made a list of what I still need to buy..then I re-wrote it neatly.

After that exhaustion I stopped for morning tea/breakfast and soon I will start on making Christmas Cards (yes homemade cards…).

Then I will do my single mother duties.. cleaning the house, washing the clothes and shock horror…arghhhhhhh ironing!!

My nasty car keeps giving me dirty looks when I pass by the blinds. I can't use the old excuse "I'm too busy to wash it" so instead I have just closed the blinds.
I have so many other projects that I have started ages ago that I am going to actually do so that is exciting.

My memory is improving cause I don't really have a lot to remember…

Harry and I are having a mummy and son weekend… We are going bowling, than to the movies and spending lots of time doing "learning" games. Ohhhh we are making Xmas cookies as well. I even bought him a little chef outfit that he liked (My friend Matt says I have too much time and money..).

I was pretty devastated to find out that the cricket is on and I can't become a certified unemployed single mother because Days of Our Lives isn't on..our as the seasoned stay at home mums call it DOOL.

 And sit down for this girls and boys…..Young and the Restless isn't even on the TV anymore… thank god for Bold and the Beautiful..I'm guessing it should only take me a day or so to catch up on who Brooke is sleeping with now… I mean there is only so many Forester men that she can choose from right??

On the job front, there is plenty out there… I have had feelers out and had a few phone calls. I cancelled the one on Monday because honestly I couldn't be bothered… see I have the Centrelink attitude already.. my parents would be soooo proud.

Anyways I must go the puppy is awake and crying at the back door to let her out for a play.

Oh great news My Super Sweet 16 is on MTV….yes a half hour of brain numbing TV!!!

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